Post-flashing Dos

(TX2 Platform for ROS-Robotics)

Check L4T and Jetpack version

-cat /etc/nv_tegra_release, e.g. R32.3.2 is the L4T Version

Install Absolute Dependencies

  1. sudo apt update to the latest
  2. Install CUDA and cuDNN etc. from Nvidia SDK Manager, over the USB Cable (check install by nvcc --version and ~/.bashrc export 2 lines are there)
  3. Install ROS, and apt install python-catkin-tools python-rosdep; do sudo rosdep init
  4. Setup SD Card /etc/fstab
  5. Add user nvidia to dialout group, to access tty serial port normally
  6. Install pytorch and torchvision
  7. Install ZED SDK
  8. sudo apt install ros-melodic-mavlink

Downgrade OpenCV

  1. For new Jetpack, the OpenCV version is 4.1+. Whereas ROS 1 needs Version 3.x to function. Hence, downgrade by using Nvidia's SDK Manager's .deb file , e.g.
    • libopencv_3.3.1-2-g31ccdfe11_arm64.deb
    • libopencv-dev_3.3.1-2-g31ccdfe11_arm64.deb
    • libopencv-python_3.3.1-2-g31ccdfe11_arm64.deb
    • libopencv-samples_3.3.1-2-g31ccdfe11_arm64.deb

Install Optional Dependencies

  1. For Pangolin OpenGL Display
    • sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev libglew-dev
    • sudo apt install libegl1-mesa-dev libwayland-dev libxkbcommon-dev wayland-protocols
    • sudo python -mpip install numpy pyopengl Pillow pybind11
  2. librealsense for Jetson from official

Python Dependencies

  • pip install --upgrade pip, same to pip3
  • pip install and pip3 install the following
    • cpython (may try pip install --upgrade)
    • numpy
    • scipy (need gfortran compiler)


  1. Add right-click to create new file: touch ~/Templates/Empty\ Document
  2. Add system monitor applet at status bar (gnome extension)
  3. Setting of power button to shutdown without prompt of 60 seconds
  4. Do not blank screen display


  1. Install VS Code
  2. Install Samba
  3. Install git, and configure timeout for asking password git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=300'
  4. catkin build, make it default Release mode catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Hardware / Kernel

  1. Increase USBFS buffer size (uboot at /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf)

Web Applications

  1. Nodejs and yarn
  2. Nginx sudo apt install nginx

OpenCV 4 from Source

  1. It is required, if contrib features of OpenCV is to be used. Does not come with shipped .deb
  2. build it from source, using a external ext4 disk drive, as large space is needed
  3. for TX2, the CUDA_ARCH_BIN version is 6.2
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