Pytorch for TX2
Version for Python 2
The last PyTorch Version to support Python 2 is version 1.4, The
The address for Installing v1.4 for Jetpack 4.2/4.3 is
Installation instruction
- Run the following
wget -O torch-1.4.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_aarch64.whl
sudo apt-get install libopenblas-base libopenmpi-dev
pip install torch-1.4.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_aarch64.whl
- Python dependencies
pip install future
pip install torchvision --user
- Install torchvision
sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev
git clone --branch v0.5.0 torchvision
cd torchvision
sudo python install
cd ../ # attempting to load torchvision from build dir will result in import error
pip install 'pillow<7' # not needed for torchvision v0.5.0+